Our Values

Intentional Disciplemaking
The essence of the mission of Jesus is His call to follow me and make disciples of all people.
A good church is one that cares about helping people become better followers of Jesus Christ.
At CBF, our goal is to be a church full of disciples who are growing Christ-followers with the shared desire to help others become disciples.

Thoughtful Worship
We are commited to worship that is biblical and gospel-centered and that engages our minds as well as our emotions. It is our desire to worship as God desires to be worshipped; to say about God what God has said about himself. We strive to have our songs, prayers, and sermons speak of Christ and not ourselves (2Cor.4:5).

Dependent Prayer
We ask God to provide for our needs, but we don't see prayer as a means for simply getting what we want. Through prayer, we are asking God to conform our desires to His and for help to seek His kingdom before our own.

Meaningful Membership
Membership in the church is not like membership in a club or at the gym. It is a commitment that a Christian makes to a church and a commitment that a church makes to a Christian.
Membership is a means by which both members and leaders fulfill their responsibilities to one another and the context in which Christians can best fulfill the "one another" commands of Scripture.