Biblical Counseling
There is Hope!
Whether the issues are struggles with depression, pornography or other addictive behaviors, raising children, or marriage conflict, our God is a God of hope. He offers rest to the weary, peace to those who are troubled, and grace and love to those who feel defeated and without hope. God wants to heal the broken-hearted and strengthen you in your faith as you learn to depend on Him.
Q. How Can I get started?
A. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please reach out to
Q. What can I expect from Coastal Biblical Counseling if I decide to come?
A. Privacy. Everything will be held in strict confidence except where, in the counselor's judgment, there is a biblical requirement to involve others (e.g. criminal activity).
Care. Our counselors will care for you and treat you with respect.
Encouragement toward Christ-likeness. Our counselors will encourage you in your successes and exhort you to think and behave in a way that pleases Jesus Christ.
Q. How long does the counseling process usually last?
A. Normally, counseling sessions will last one hour per week. Many counselees see significant progress in eight to twelve sessions. Give us a little time. Habits were not developed overnight and new habits will take several weeks to develop.
Q. What is the cost?
A. All counseling is done free of charge as a ministry of Coastal Bible Fellowship.
Q. What about medical needs?
A. Biblical counselors believe in the total health needs of the counselee. Your counselor may recommend that you have a full or specified medical examination. If medical assistance is required, counseling will continue in conjunction with medical advice.
Q. Will I need to bring anything with me to my counseling session?
A. You will need a notebook and your Bible at all sessions, including the first session. Be sure to bring them each time.